Thursday, April 21, 2011

A beautiful Mind

A beautiful mind is a movie that reveals the Psychological disorder. A beautiful mind tells a truthful story about an academic subculture that value genius. In that subculture, creativity is used to solve hard problem and competition is a way to negotiate friendships. I realize Johns Nash has a paranoid type of schizophrenia. At Princeton, John's refusal to attend classes frees him to search for a truly original ideas and his decision not romance women save him from shoes who can see only his physical appeal. At MIT, John notice a beautiful girl in his calculus class, and their love grows from a shared appreciation of beauty to be found in pattern and color.

Alicia's efforts to understand John's genius transforms her admiration to love and her efforts understand his madness transform her fear and pity to sympathy. Their meeting of minds enables them together to solve the problem of surviving John’s schizophrenia. A beautiful mind shows us the reality of this brain disease. Its onset is not necessarily rapid or apparent and its causes are unknown, effective treatments can be torturous, side effects of antipsychotic. Many schizophrenics are methodically imprisoned or homeless and some resort to self-mutilation or suicide. True appreciation and sympathy are impossible without understanding.

All in all, to compare schizophrenia and multiple-personality disorder is a person who is suffering from disorganized schizophrenia seem to be labeled as a "silly" because they show no response or emotion where multiple-personality disorder knows how to response and emotion. A person with schizophrenia can experience sudden changes in mood, such as sadness, happiness, excitement, depression or anger that come on without any reasons or warning.

By robbinshee